Session 1.6b Product Brief: IOT and AI Meet Military – Effecting Advantage through S2IX Platform
Tuesday, February 22, 2022 |
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM |
Bradman Theatrette |
Sponsored By:
Myriad Technologies / S2IX
Mr Perry Smith
Strategic Partner Manager
Myriad Technologies
With the advent of miniaturisation and modern advances in all areas of technology, it is often difficult to sort out the good idea fairies from the real deal. Two areas that are definitely the real deal is the application of IOT and AI to military use cases and scenarios, for best effect and achieving advantage.
Whether the advantage is at the strategic, operational or even the tactical level, being able to have a fully logically integrated and managed platform that operates by design across DDIL barriers, will provide a significant advantage to decision makers in every AO. The ‘trick’ to being able to gain this advantage lies in advanced architecture, design and the deep understanding of the use cases and the impacts on the design.
In this session, we will run through two primary use cases – with complete demonstrations on how the effect manifests itself and how the modern design will allow IOT and sensors to be managed, augmented with AI and bring about true modern day warfighter digitisation.
My work as Strategic Partner Manager has taken me all over the world, working with many different organisational representatives to ensure our customers are getting nothing but the best when it comes to Myriad Technologies partners.