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Session 3.6f Update: Data-Centric Security within NATO: the Use Cases and the Initial Implementation Plan

Thursday, February 24, 2022
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Swan Room


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Dr.-Ing. Konrad Wrona
Principal Scientist
NATO Cyber Security Centre

Recently the two strategic NATO commands, Allied Command Transformation and Allied Command Operations, have published an initial version of Implementation Plan for the adoption of a Data Centric Security (DCS) approach within the Alliance Federation. This presentation will follow on the update at MilCIS2020 and will focus on DCS implementation plan and operational use cases relevant to NATO. It will discuss how DCS enhances the collective defence, crisis management activities and cooperative security of the nations and of the Alliance, by enabling an improved decision making and increased efficiency and effectiveness of data-driven military operations. Timely analysis of operational data requires flexible and scalable computing capability and an impediment-free access to the required information. The initial DCS Implementation Plan focuses on scenarios in which systems where data is produced, stored and transferred are trusted to provide the required security protection. However, this might not be true in case of use of hybrid and public cloud or third party CIS, as stipulated by higher maturity levels of DCS. Cryptographic protection is effective for data “at rest” and data “in motion”, and sometime for data “in-processing”. Where complex data processing requires plain text, secure enclaves implemented in cloud can provide in some cases sufficient protection to enable use of third party owned (and thus possibly less trusted) CIS. Enabling different options for secure exploitation of data assets can significantly improve data analytical capability of the Alliance and thus contribute to maintaining information superiority.
Konrad Wrona is a Principal Scientist at the NATO Cyber Security Centre in The Hague, The Netherlands, where he is leading the Architecture, Policy and Innovation team. He is also a Research Professor at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw, Poland. Konrad has over 20 years of work experience in an industrial (Ericsson Research and SAP Research) and in an academic (RWTH Aachen University, Media Lab Europe, and Rutgers University) research and development environment. He has received his M.Eng. in Telecommunications from Warsaw University of Technology, Poland in 1998, and his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from RWTH Aachen University, Germany in 2005. He is an author and a co-author of over seventy publications, as well as a co-inventor of several patents. The areas of his professional interests include broad range of security issues - in information systems, communication networks, wireless and mobile applications, distributed systems, and Internet of Things. Konrad Wrona is a Senior Member of the IEEE, Senior Member of the ACM and a member of IACR.