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Session 1.3c Product Brief: What can you do in an Hour? Secure Technologies at Speed

Tuesday, November 15, 2022
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Menzies Theatre
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Dr Daniel Riedel
PhD, Product Development & Applied Research

Developing secure technologies and environments at the speed of relevance in Defence and national security is challenging. The need for additional security controls, complex integration, architectural alignment, as well as testing and certification processes results in lengthy delivery times, large resourcing burdens, and significant sunk costs. Operations of these technologies are also challenging due to the need to support the cyber security posture whilst maintaining service management SLAs. In the last two years, Australia has seen a significant increase (81% in the last 12 months) in cyber attacks with a higher severity against organisations and individuals. At x-RD we are pushing the boundaries of security, automation and AI with secure applications and environments, providing security by default applications and environments and delivering them at speed to reduce cyber attack surfaces and provide capability at the speed of relevance. This session will discuss our approach to secure environments, applications and DevSecOps to deliver at the speed of relevance.

Dan is a founder and the Director of Product Development & Applied Research at x-RD. He has held a range of technology, leadership, research, innovation and operations roles across Defence, as well as with industry and academia. When not deep in applied research, developing new technology products or helping other veterans, you can find Dan exploring the depths of the ocean or tinkering with technology.