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Session 1.7f Tutorial: Kubernetes-native Security

Tuesday, November 15, 2022
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM


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Mr Shane Boulden
Security Strategist
Red Hat


Kubernetes provides a platform for DevOps across Defence, allowing developers and operations teams to collaborate closely and rapidly create new digital capabilities. Securing Kubernetes and platforms requires new approaches. Traditional cybersecurity incident response and threat hunting workflows are designed for static workloads, and are not well-suited to the dynamic and ephemeral nature of Kubernetes and containers. In this session we'll explore a Kubernetes-native approach to security. We'll cover why Kubernetes security is different, and some of the pitfalls Defence projects can avoid when securing Kubernetes platforms and workloads. We'll provide several demonstrations of Kubernetes-native runtime threat detection and incident response, and also look at how to inject container security best practices into continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.

Shane Boulden is a Security Strategist at Red Hat, enabling Australian and New Zealand organisations to better manage risk across their hybrid cloud environments. He supports bringing open source innovation to security challenges. Shane regularly supports and contributes to security-focused open source projects, including collaborating with the "Compliance as Code" project to automate Australian and New Zealand security baselines. He also recently led the certification of the Keycloak open source identity project with the Australian Consumer Data Right security profile.