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Session 3.1 Breakfast Product Brief: Outsmarting Adversaries in an Information-Enabled Battlefield

Open Session
Thursday, November 16, 2023
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Royal Theatre
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In this session, we will unpack how Elastic has been instrumental in leveraging data strategically, improving real-time situational awareness, and driving fast decisions powered by AI/ML insights.
  • Discover how the implementation and integration of Elastic Security has bolstered security postures and protected against cyber threats.
  • Delve into real-world examples demonstrating how real-time threat detection capabilities have significantly impacted defence operations.
  • Learn about the benefits of deploying machine learning (ML) algorithms to automate threat detection and response, how ML streamlines the workload of security analysts.
Most importantly, join us as we share more about the role of Elastic in enhancing intelligence sharing, the types of data being collected and analysed, and how it has revolutionised situational awareness and decision-making.
Don't just defend — outsmart.


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Mr Andrew Goodall
Federal Director, Defence and Intelligence

I help Australian Defence and government to be successful with Elastic search and analytics software. Elastic's search and security technology is transforming how we protect our information, assets, and borders and optimise service delivery. From detecting cyber, insider, and national threats through to predicting business and IT service interruptions, Elastic software provides real-time situational awareness, operational intelligence, and search outcomes with speed, scale, and relevance. The Elastic community is finding new and creative applications for our technology every day, across cyber security, intelligence analysis, geospatial applications, IT service delivery, and mining data in social media and the dark web. I am here to help with education and training, consulting, sharing validated architectures and hardening guides and anything else you need to get to production quickly and smoothly.