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Session 1.8c Conference Product Brief: An Update on Modern Sovereign Naval SATCOM - Multi Orbit, Multi Constellation and Multi Band.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Menzies Theatre
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At MILCIS in 2022, EM Solutions’ discussed the new King Cobra maritime SATCOM Terminal that provides the modern Navy with frequency and system diversity with a high throughput, multi-band, multi-constellation SATCOM terminal capable of establishing data links with LEO, MEO, HEO and GEO satellites.
With the ability to simultaneously operate across the X-band, and the full 3.5GHz Commercial Ka-band and military Ka-bands, the King Cobra enables the utilisation a large portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to mitigate denial, degradation, or congestion while on mission.
At the same time, EM Solutions also provided a primer on the monopulse tracking system used in the Cobra and King Cobra terminals but left the topic open for a continuation in 2023. As promised, EM Solutions will continue the series on tracking technology and also provide an update on the King Cobra 12 months on.


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Mr John Logan
Vp Programmes
EM Solutions Pty Ltd

John has over thirty years’ industrial experience in the satellite telecommunications and electronics industry and as VP Programmes, John is responsible for leading, setting and implementing the strategy of the company, and holds full accountability for the business operations, overseeing customer projects, profit and loss, business performance, and stakeholder management within EM Solutions. Prior to joining EM Solutions in 2003, John was Senior Manufacturing Manager at Filtronic PLC, a high volume manufacture of microwave filters for cellular base station infrastructure.