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Session 3.8c Update: Transitioning to Post-Quantum Cryptography

Thursday, November 16, 2023
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Menzies Theatre

To protect against the anticipated quantum computer threat to contemporary public key cryptography, the transition to post-quantum cryptographic algorithms has begun. We give an update on the state of NIST’s post-quantum cryptography standardization project, the current guidance for transitioning to these algorithms, and an expected timeline for completion of the transition. To give an insight into the kind of issues that might be encountered during a transition, we will also demonstrate our experience transitioning an end-to-end encrypted messaging protocol to use post-quantum algorithms.


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Dr Jaimee Brown
Senior Research Engineer
Teron Labs

Jaimee brings twenty years of experience in cyber security to Teron Labs, where her primary role is as Senior Research Engineer in the field of post-quantum cryptography. She has extensive experience a software engineer specializing in the design and implementation of cryptographic algorithms and protocols, including within FIPS 140 cryptographic modules, and has a PhD in public key cryptography.