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Session 1.8f Update: Protecting Against Threats to GPS Timekeeping

Tuesday, November 12, 2024
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Swan Room


This presentation will look at the role of GPS for timing systems, and the threats from both interference and malicious actors. 1. A brief explanation on how GPS and GNS work. 2. How reliant are we on satellite timing today? 3. How easy is it to jam or spoof a GPS/GNS receiver? 4. The threat in Australia compared to other parts of the world. 5. Strategies to protect systems - from standalone oscillators to physically diverse receivers, and everything in between. 6. What are key manufacturers doing to help? (this section is intended to be non-commercial but will make mention of some specific manufacturer solutions). 7. Update and news from the international JammerTest 2024 manufacturer testing (September). The current "threat" state will be supplemented with information from Meinberg (who have access to reports of interference and interruptions) and GPS Patron, who operate a GPS protection system. Both vendors will be at JammerTest 2024, which is a unique annual event for testing and jamming of the GPS systems in a remote location.


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Ben Cosstick
International Business Development - Regional Manager Asia



Ben Cosstick is the Regional Manager ASIA for Meinberg. Ben studied engineering in the UK and has worked for international brands in business and market development throughout Asia, India, UK & UAE. He is specialised in timing and test systems for the defence and aerospace industries. Having worked at multi-national timing and defence suppliers, he is now tasked with expanding Meinberg’s presence in the APAC region with a new company office in Thailand.
Mr Paul Dengate
Managing Director
iTkey - Meinberg


Paul Dengate is the Managing Director of Sydney-based integrators iTkey and OnAir Solutions. He has worked in the IT and Broadcast field for more than 25 years and holds a Master of IT Management degree. As the Australian distributor for Meinberg timing systems since 2010, Paul is an expert in GPS, NTP, PTP and other timing protocols. His applied knowledge of timing solutions covers many industries, including Audio Visual, Broadcast, Defence, Energy, Industrial and Mining. He also has a depth of experience in Media over IP and control system technology.