More Speed, Less Haste
Returning to Fundamentals 
12 - 14 August 2025 | Hotel Realm Canberra  


For the third year, PGCS is providing a hybrid symposium experience, combining face-to-face and an online component, in a two-day format.

Online registrations are now OPEN.

Face-to-Face registrations inclusions:

  • attendance at all symposium sessions (13 & 14 August 2024).
  • morning/afternoon teas and lunches as per the program.
  • free invitation to the PGCS 11th birthday party.
  • the opportunity to network with your friends and colleagues.
  • access to the trade exhibition.
  • name badge and delegate listing.
  • certificate of attendance.

Virtual registrations inclusions:

  • virtual attendance to all symposium sessions (13 & 14 August 2024).
  • online networking opportunities.
  • access to the online trade exhibition.
  • certificate of attendance.

Government/Defence rates apply to delegates with a valid government or defence email address. Please register with your defence or government email at time of registration.

Student rates apply to full time students of recognised Australian tertiary educational institutions (universities). Please provide your Student ID number and a photo of your Student ID upon registration.

Academic rates apply to full time members (staff) of a recognised tertiary educational institution (universities). Please provide your University ID number upon registration.

Speaker rates apply to people selected to present a paper during the symposium. Speakers are required to register for the symposium.

   In Person Symposium Registration Prices

   Early Bird


General Registration$1,315$1,865
Government/Defence Registration$895$1,420

   Virtual Symposium Registration Prices

General Registration$440
Government/Defence Registration$440


Masterclass 1Masterclass 2Masterclass 3
General Registration (in person or virtual)$1,525$1,525$1,525

  • Early Bird Registration fees are available online up to – Wednesday 10 July 2024.
  • Standard Registration fees are available online from Thursday 11 July 2024 through until Wednesday 7 August 2024.
  • Virtual Registration fees are available online until 5pm AEST Friday 9 August 2024.

Important Notes

  • All costs are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and include GST.
  • Participation at the symposium is conditional on registration being paid by Friday 9 August 2024.
  • Your registration is not confirmed until full payment has been received.

Refund Policy and Terms and Conditions
If the symposium cannot be held in person - registrants who registered to attend the symposium in person will be automatically transferred to the online component and refunded that portion of the registration fee which exceeds the value of the equivalent registration fee (for the equivalent package) to attend the symposium virtually.

Conference Managers

Consec - Conference and Event Management
PO Box 3127
Belconnen Delivery Centre
Tel: +61 2 6252 1200