More Speed, Less Haste
Returning to Fundamentals 
12 - 14 August 2025 | Hotel Realm Canberra  

Webinar Series 

The PGCS organisation has designed, in collaboration with the public sector (including the Department of Defence), a series of online live FREE webinars that will be available during 2024.

These webinars are presented by a range of experts in their respective fields, with the express purpose of providing participants with an opportunity to upskill and develop their professional knowledge.

They focus on various elements of project management, and depending on the presenter’s expertise, will cover topics across the year that include both hard and soft skills. With a dynamic program that will build through the year depending on what is topical and which experts are available, the topics could include anything from project definition/specification, project controls, data analysis, general project management, all the way through to team building, optimising human performance… and anything in between.

Improve your skills, knowledge, and improve your contribution to project success - Join us in our 2024 PGCS Webinar Program.

If you have previously registered for a webinar in the series you do not need to register again as you will receive an email with your log in details 48 hourse before the webinar.

Upcoming Webinars

  Accelerated Delivery: A Failure to Rush, or a Rush to Fail?

    Andrew Pyke

    Keyholder Pty Ltd


Andrew has had a career in project planning and today acts as an independent review board member, and facilitator of program and project strategies, for major national projects in Australia. Andrew specialises in program strategy on large-scale complex programs often involving significant investment, advanced technology, safety and mission-critical systems, with significant commercial challenges, dependencies and international relationships.

Andrew's experience includes public and private sector projects and programs, ranging across the investment lifecycle, including in Health, Defence, Information and Communications Technology and Air Traffic Management. Prior to his own business, Andrew had corporate careers at an international systems integrator and a telco, and served as an Engineering Officer in the Royal Australian Air Force. Andrew is a Fellow of the International Centre for Complex Project Management (ICCPM), a Certified Practicing Project Director (CPPD) and member of the Australian Institute of Project Management and a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. 

Presentation Outline

The challenge of our age, for project planners, is how to accelerate delivery of project benefits. At the same time as projects are being asked to do more and more complex things, stakeholders are impatient and have reducing tolerance for lengthy planning processes. Project planners are increasingly seen as a problem. What is going on here and how should project planners respond? Andrew will draw some key observations from his work across many projects, over decades.

2024 Webinar Dates

Past Webinars

  Less is more: Using analytics to improve speed to action

    David Lim

    Synergy Group Australia 


I am a data scientist working to increase the use of linked data within government. My strong quantitative skills are transferable across various sectors, helping clients from a range of industries including education, criminal justice, human services, transport and infrastructure, natural resource management, and asset management. I specialise in statistical analysis and modelling, applying these tools to facilitate end-to-end strategy transformation.

Presentation Outline

Using analytics to sharpen the message and engage time-poor users. How can data storytelling and visualisation simplify the problem space and bring clarity to decisions.

 Beat the Clock with Agile Hacks: Earned Schedule       Implementation Case Studies

    Robert Van De Velde



Robert Van De Velde, Ph.D. is a project-management practitioner. In the past 35 years, he has served as PM or PMO-lead on over two dozen projects and programs. They have ranged in size from six to nine figures and have been completed in domains from business to government.

Committed to improving his practice, Rob has continued to study project management. In 2007, he discovered Earned Schedule, and in 2014, he became an Agile Scrum Master. As Rob’s practice focuses on time-critical projects, he’s had plenty of opportunity to use both techniques.

During his studies, Rob worked out the math for combining Earned Schedule and Agile. He adapted the techniques to one another and iteratively implemented and upgraded the approach. Rob shares his knowledge and experience through a blog (, vlog (, professional journals, and, increasingly, through posts on LinkedIn groups, hashtags, and his company site.

To contact him:
For a full bio, see:
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Presentation Outline

The current demands within Defence and in projects generally includes demands to deliver “capability at speed” which is placing increased demands on project schedule analysis, the need to adjust traditional methodologies and the ability to be able to:

  • Identify activities and work packages that are deviating from plan early so that action can be taken to correct before the schedule has been irreversibly compromised.
  • Calculate the future schedule efficiency required to achieve the target outcome of on time delivery.
  • Recognise when a current delivery strategy cannot achieve the required schedule outcome to enable “Agile” adjustments to the delivery strategy so that outcomes which meet user needs on a timely basis can be achieved.

Since Earned Schedule was first published in 2003 ,it has developed into a powerful add-on to network schedule analysis which answers the needs described above all of which provides project teams “actionable information” to assist in the never‑ending challenge of delivering useful capabilities either on, or as close to schedule as circumstances permit.

This presentation provides a case study example demonstrates how earned schedule provides powerful new dimensions to project schedule analysis which can be actively used to assist in achieve improved schedule delivery outcomes for projects of all sizes from the small and simple to the largest and most complex.

 An Overview of Performance Based Contracting

    Joanne Derksen

    Department of Defence


Joanne is a highly experienced commercial, contracting and business management specialist with over 17 years Defence experience across both sustainment and acquisition projects.  Joanne is highly experienced developing measures for performance based contracts for Defence – with extensive experience managing performance based outcomes collaboratively with industry partners.

Presentation Outline

This webinar will provide an overview of performance based contracting.  We will explore the types of performance measures, how they are used and what is important to consider if you are plan to use a performance management framework in your arrangement with suppliers.

Conference Managers

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Belconnen Delivery Centre
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