Welcome to SMPTE OCEANIA the regional section of SMPTE who cover the media professionals living in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific Islands.
Geographically, we are one of the largest sections in the globe and spread from Perth in the West of Australia all across the pacific to the islands of the South West Pacific.
Our plan is to create SMPTE OCEANIA as a hub for the whole local media, entertainment and cinema industry to create an atmosphere where we can over time become the “go to” place for everyone to interact, share, learn and collaborate.
Our vision for the region is:
First to consolidate our work with our core activities around delivering a viable METexpo show, creating regular events throughout a year that can interest the member base and entice new members and building our relationships across the whole local media, entertainment and cinema industry to become an ‘industry hub’ of value to members and the community alike.
Secondly to grow our footprint to make SMPTE relevant in the OCEANIA region. We will look to engage in wider professional circles, extend to embrace the full end to end of media professionals from capture screen to consumer viewing screen, widen our relevance to students, early and mid-career individuals. Support diversity, especially of women and minority professionals. Extend our geographic reach beyond our Sydney home to New Zealand, Melbourne and Brisbane and progressively in the South Pacific.
A keyway for us to achieve on this disjoin is the successful delivery of the SMPTE METexpo events which run every two years.
The mission for the METexpo event is to 'Go beyond engaging conference and an exciting expo of new innovations. It is a community event where we welcome the professional industry, the industry guilds, educationalists, clubs and societies to participate in anyway they can'.
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