What is the Project and Program Management Symposium

FOMO: Not always a bad thing!  If you aren’t there, you are MISSING OUT!!

Putting you in charge of your learning through sharing and connecting.

Empowering your knowledge and skills development across project and program management, governance, and controls.

Connecting you with your network for your growth in your career.

The symposium brings together project management people to share knowledge and improve the governance and controls skill sets available to deliver successful project outcomes for their organisation.

The symposium delivers improved knowledge and skill sets across project, program and portfolio management with an ongoing emphasis on the governance and controls disciplines.   

Keynote Speakers

Mr Chris Deeble

Deputy Secretary 

Capability Acquisition and 

Sustainment Group

Dr Keith Joiner, CSC, CPEng, CPPD

Senior Lecturer Test, Evaluation and Aircraft


University of New South Wales


Dr Dallas Rosson, PMP

Principal Engineer for the Digital

Transformation Division

Naval Undersea Warfare Centre


Masterclass 1

Acquisition Reform is about becoming Digital, Agile and Evergreen; how this is enabled by Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)

Dr Keith Joiner, CSC, CPEng, CPPD

Masterclass 2

Coming Soon

Dr Dallas Rosson, PMP

What Attendees Say

Conference Managers

Consec - Conference and Event Management
PO Box 3127
Belconnen Delivery Centre
Tel: +61 2 6252 1200
Email: pgcs@consec.com.au