A block booking has been made at the Little National Hotel Canberra and Burbury Hotel Canberra. All prices are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and include GST.
The rates quoted for accommodation are specially negotiated rates for delegates of the symposium. Please do not contact the hotel directly to make accommodation bookings, as the special rates can only be accessed by booking through Consec - Conference and Event Management.
You can book accommodation through the registration portal.
If you have already registered and need to add or change your accommodation please email pgcs@consec.com.au.
You will need to provide credit card details (which will be forwarded to the hotel directly) to secure your accommodation room in accordance with the accommodation booking conditions. Please check the appropriate box on the registration form to authorise the forwarding of your credit card details to the hotel.
Take note of the conditions of booking for each of the hotels as provided below. Any requests to change a booking MUST be made in writing to Consec - Conference and Event Management.
1 Burbury Cl, Barton ACT 2600
Terms and Conditions
21 National Circuit, Canberra, ACT 2600
Terms and Conditions
Consec - Conference and Event Management
PO Box 3127
Belconnen Delivery Centre
Tel: +61 2 6252 1200
Email: pgcs@consec.com.au